The CAHC club, by membership vote, has chosen to adopt USTPA rules / guidelines for all team penning and sorting events. Below is a summary of these rules for team penning / sorting excerpted from the Member Handbook. For more information please refer to this handbook. A copy of the handbook is available during all show events for review or is available for download at the USTPA website
1. The Object of Team Penning: Within a specified time limit, a team consisting of the three riders in the arena must cut out from the herd, and pen three head of cattle with the assigned number. The fastest time wins.
a) Time Limit. The Event Producer shall use a 60-second, recommended time limit for each class, and may use "Promoter's Option" allowance to extend the time limit to 75 seconds for any class, but must apply and receive sanctioning and advertise the show accordingly. A warning may be given to the team working the cattle at thirty seconds of time remaining.
b) Spotting Cattle. Spotting cattle for any team in the arena, by any person outside the arena, is illegal. Any form or manner of spotting by anyone, other than a team member in the arena, may, at the judge's discretion, subject the team in the arena to disqualification on any run. Any team disqualified by a judge for spotting will receive a no-time.
2. Starting the Run. All cattle will be bunched on the cattle side of the starting line within the designated area, before the time begins. The judge will raise the flag to signal when the arena is ready. The flag will drop when the nose of the first horse crosses the start/foul line. The contestants will be given their cattle number instantly. Any delay in crossing the foul line may result in a "no-time."
3. Calling for Time
a) To call for time, one rider must stand at the opening of the gate and raise a hand for the flag. The flag will drop when the nose of the first horse enters the pen, the assigned cattle are fully in the pen, and the rider calls for time. If an animal is knocked or put into the pen after time is called, a no-time will be given. Time continues until all unpenned cattle are completely on the cattle side of the starting line. In the event that an animal escapes from the pen after time is called but prior to the time that any unpenned cattle are on the cattle side of the line, the team will be judged a "notime."
b) If an animal escapes as a team is calling for time, they will be judged a "no-time."
c) An "Escaped animal" is one with any part of the animal coming out of the opening of the pen.
4. Calling for Time with Less than Three Head. A team may call for time with only one or two assigned cattle penned. However, teams penning three head place higher than two or one, regardless of the time. In a multiple go-round contest, in the event that teams pen their cattle in only one go-round, the fastest time wins, regardless of which go-round. In a multiple go-round contest, the teams that pen in each go-round will beat teams that fail to pen in a goround, regardless of the number of cattle penned or time.
For example: Times in 3 go-rounds beat times in 2 gorounds; in 1 go-round beat a no-time."
5. Calling for Time with Wrong-numbered Cattle in the Pen. A team calling for time with any wrong numbered cattle in the pen will be judged a "no-time."
6. Hazing. Contact with cattle by hands, ropes, bats, or any other equipment, or hazing with any equipment or apparel will result in a "no-time."
7. Too Many Cattle. If more than three (3) head of cattle are across the start/foul line at the same time, the team will be judged a "no-time." Any part of the fourth animal that crosses the line will invoke a "no-time." A "Promoter's Option" allowance may restrict any wrong-numbered cattle across the line, if Event Producer opts to adopt a "no-trash" rule in effect at a sanctioned penning. Any sanctioned penning where Event Producer opts to adopt the "No trash Rule", must be have approved sanctioning of the "No trash Rule" in advance, and be advertised to that effect.
8. Delays. Thirty (30) seconds after the previous team pens, and after the announcer calls the team to ride the following team must be in the arena ready to ride. Any delay will be judged a "no-time," unless waived for good cause. No team member may enter the arena after time has started.
9. Re-Ride Situations
a) In the event a team is given a number that has already been used with a set of cattle, a rerun must be given IMMEDIATELY upon discovery, using the correct number within the same set. Teams receiving a re-ride will be able to start their time at zero. In case of other official or mechanical error, a re-ride shall be given at the end of that set of cattle using the same numbered cattle, a team cannot better their time on these re-rides and penalty seconds may be given at the judges' discretion.
b) If an animal leaves the arena, the team can either be given a "no-time" for unnecessary roughness; can be given time on their remaining cattle; or be given a re-ride (at the end of the set of cattle that the error occurred using the same number), depending on the judge's decision. If more than one re-ride is given in any go round, re-rides will be given in order of occurrence at the end of the same set of cattle in which the error(s) occurred; a team cannot better their time on a re-ride and penalty seconds may be given at the judges' discretion.
c) If a team observes an unfit, injured, or unidentified animal before committing to the cattle, the team must notify the judge. Once the team is committed to the cattle, no re-ride will be given. except in extremely unusual circumstances because the
"Luck of the draw" will apply. "Committed to the cattle" means that the team has crossed the foul line, the flag has been dropped to the start time on that run, and their cattle number has been called. In the unusual event the judge rules the team is entitled to a re-ride, they will be allowed to work at the end of that group of cattle and they will work the same cattle number; a team cannot better their time on a re-ride and penalty seconds may be given at the judges' discretion. All re-rides will be made at the end of the set of cattle in which an error occurred, on the same-numbered cattle.
d) As each new team begins a run, there should be 30 head in the arena. In the event that a team draws a number where more or less than three identical numbers are in the arena (at the time of their run), that team must have a re-ride at the end of that same set of cattle, on their same numbered cattle. Teams receiving a re-ride
will be able to start their time at zero. (Times for all other teams with such a mis-numbered herd will remain the same.)
10. Cattle Rotation
a) An Event Producer will number each herd available for the penning. The cattle will be rotated at the end of every set of ten (10) teams and at the end of the first go and before the finals. If there is an uneven number of herds, the middle herd and the first herd will be changed at the beginning of the second go in shows with two full goes. In a penning with a 50% second go, the herds will be used in the same order for every class. An Event Producer has the option to run less than 10 teams per set of cattle in order to equally divide teams among sets. All options shall be decided and announced before first go-round of each class.
b) If there are twenty (20) teams or more entered in a class, the top 50% that pen cattle will come back for the second go and the top ten (10) will return for the final go, assuming that at least 10 teams pen cattle in the first go-round. If there are fewer than twenty (20) teams, the top ten (10) teams that pen cattle in the first go-round will return for the second and final goes, assuming that at least 10 teams pen cattle in the first go-round. If less than the requisite number of teams pen in both the first and second go, then, in order to fill the final go, the next fastest teams which penned in the first go will compete in the final go. For example, in a penning where 10 teams are to come back to the final go, if only 8 teams pen in both the first and second goes, the two fastest teams that only penned on the first go will be added to the final go. Teams with "no-times" in the first go will not advance, however, regardless of the number of teams in the class. All finals at any USTPA sanctioned penning and/or sorting will have their running order determined by draw.
11. Roughing - A team shall be disqualified with a "no-time" when either judge calls unnecessary roughness to the cattle. Contact with cattle in any manner by horse or rider may result in a roughing call by either judge.
12. Arena Layout - "Ideal" arena size for team penning is 100' x 200', although there shall be no mandatory arena size, recognizing that arena size may vary with each facility.
a) Foul Line - The foul line shall be between 30% and 35% of the arena length from the cattle end of the arena, and the foul line shall be determined and ADVERTISED as such by the Event Producer. The foul line may be extended by 5% for each 10' beyond 110' in width, to accommodate bigger, wider arenas.
b) Pen Opening - The entry gate to the pen shall be situated 25% of the distance from the arena back wall, but shall not be less than 55 feet from the arena back wall.
13. Working Cattle on Foot - Any attempt to work cattle on foot will be judged a "no-time."
14. Display Clock - All USTPA shows must have a readable display clock; electric eye will not be used to start time. In the event of extreme malfunction, Director-in-Charge may determine how and whether to proceed with the contest.
15. Dress Code - All contestants and herd settlers at a USTPA sanctioned show must wear western attire. A western hat, long sleeved western shirt tucked-in and buttoned properly, and boots. In the event of extreme temperatures, the Director-in-Charge and the judges will decide on the day of the show if short-sleeved western shirts may be worn. Western attire is optional for the timers and announcers. Tank tops and tee shirts will not be allowed. A fine of $10.00 in the U.S. or $13.00 in Canada will be levied by the judges, at their discretion, against any contestant not in compliance. Fines must be paid before the contestant rides again.
1. The Object of Team Sorting:
The basic concept of Ranch Sorting is that there are ten numbered
cattle, 0-9, and two unnumbered cattle for a total of 12 head at the
beginning of a run behind a foul line in an arena with two or three
people mounted on the other side of the foul line.
2. Ranch Sorting may be either 2-man or 3-man, at Event Producer's option.
3. Ranch Sorting will take place between two pens of approximately equal size with the Event Producer's option of working cattle back and forth or only one way.
4. If cattle are to be worked back and forth then they need to be moved to the opposite pen and back before each new herd entering the arena is worked.
5. All cattle must have USTPA approved back numbers; neck numbers are not acceptable.
6. Recommend sorting area to be 50-60' in diameter with no 90 degree corners, i.e. 60' round pen or octagonal "stop sign" design.
7. The start foul line will be recommended as a 16' opening, but no smaller than 12' opening between the two pens.
8. There will be either a 90, 75, or 60 second clock for each class, at the option of the Event Producer.
9. All team sorting shows will be required to use an electronic display clock.
10. Time will continue until all cattle are sorted or the time limit is reached.
11. All cattle will be bunched on the cattle side of the gate within the designated area before the time begins. Judges will designate the need to bunch cattle.
12. The judge will raise the flag to signal when the arena is ready. The flag will drop when the nose of the first horse crosses the start/foul line and the announcer will provide the number to be sorted first. The riders will be given their number instantly. Any delay in crossing the foul line may result in a "no-time" for the team.
13. The cows are sorted in order; if any part of a numbered cow or a blank cow crosses the start/foul line prior to its correct order, then the team receives a no time. If any part of a sorted cow re-crosses the start/foul line the team will be disqualified.
14. The order of sorting is determined by the picking of a random number by the Announcer/Timer and then that cow must sorted first; for instance if 5, is drawn as the first number, then the 6 cow must be sorted, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1 and so on.
15. A cow is considered sorted when the entire cow is completely across the start/foul line.
16. A rider can ride three times per class and must change at least one rider on each team.
17. The minimum number of goes shall be 100% to the first go; 30% to 50% to the second go; and the Top 10 to the finals. If over 100 teams, 30% to 50% to the second go and Top 20 to the finals. All finals at any USTPA-sanctioned sorting will have their running order determined by draw.
18. Teams sorting in three goes, place higher than teams sorting in two goes; teams sorting in two goes place higher than teams sorting in one go, no matter how many cattle were sorted or time accrued.
19. The promoter must have enough cattle that no herd is re-sorted during the first go of the Open Sorting Class.
20. All ties to be brought back to the finals unless greater than 5 additional positions are created. All ties that are run off will be drawn for position of go.